3. General
- 3.1. What is my dongle number and SMA expiry date?
- 3.2. Volocity supported file formats
- 3.3. Configuring serial port of the DMi8 for Volocity
- 3.4. Why, if my X-Y stage is being recognised, is the option to Calibrate Stage in the Stage menu greyed out?
- 3.5. Why is the length of the 'Skeleton' not always equal to the skeletal length measurement stored in the Measurement Item?
- 3.6. Why doesn't my firewire hard drive when I'm using a Hamamatsu firewire camera?
- 3.7. Why do my objects appear elongated in the Z axis
- 3.8. Why can't I make changes to my data after importing it directly from a portable HD or HD from another workstation
- 3.9. Why can't I change the filter turret position with my Leica microscope using Volocity?
- 3.10. Locate Volocity dongle serial number and Software Maintenance Agreement expiry
- 3.11. When I make XY points the focus is not stored, each point has the same Z position even though I adjusted the focus when creating the points?
- 3.12. What is the easiest way to capture fluorescent and brightfiled image without acquiring each image and then merging?
- 3.13. What is the difference between Z step and µm/pixel (z) in the Properties
- 3.14. Tools missing or moved in the toolbar
- 3.15. The size of the Video Preview has changed, how do I go about changing it back?
- 3.16. The loop and shutter options work under the Image menu but not under the movie menu
- 3.17. Lost lightpaths after moving config files to a different workstation, how to reassign DCAM ID
- 3.18. I have lost lightpaths after moving from Volocity 5.3 or higher to an older version of Volocity
- 3.19. How to zoom out of an image in live preview
- 3.20. How much time is remaining in my acquisition?
- 3.21. Debug Shortcut Instructions
- 3.22. Can I calculate the calibration properties of an image post Acquisition?
- 3.23. How is intensity modulated display image generated
- 3.24. How does software autofocus work?
- 3.25. Moving items between libraries
- 3.26. How to install the IEEE1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller
- 3.27. Import Measurement protocol
- 3.28. Export Charts for use in publications and presentations
- 3.29. Enter SMA Code
- 3.30. How to create Measurement Item
- 3.31. Change the spatial calibration of a dataset
- 3.32. Avoid conflict between Volocity and antivirus software
- 3.33. Produce/export a multi-channel merged image/image sequence for publication
- 3.34. Indentify objects inside other objects
- 3.35. Factors affecting playback speed through a multi Z plane image sequence in the XYZ view
- 3.36. Intermediate magnification introduced by my Optivar when Calculating PSF's for data acqired using a Spinning Disk confocal system
- 3.37. How do I transfer Volocity configurations between different workstations or different user accounts?
- 3.38. How to connect Leica DMi8 Microscope to Volocity
- 3.39. Restore a corrupt Volocity library